Friday, February 11, 2011


Well, It's February.
   This semester has been pretty good. I have been going to 12 hour clinicals every Thursday and a random 6 hour clincal every now and then on Tuesdays. I have been in Labor and Delivery, women's center, NICU. All of these units have been wonderful and the people I have helped have been great. The babies are adorable. Life is crazy right now. I have a final on Tuesday in my OB nursing class. I took one of them today and i did really good. I am above average and currently sitting at getting a 100% + for my test grade! So, excited! <3

But my classes are wonderful. Learning so much from my Medical Terminalogy class and absolutely LOVING my Doctrine and Covenants class. It's wonderful. I am learning so much about the gospel and def. wanting to learn more. <3

Today is a Friday. I am currently sitting in my apartment watching a movie and visiting with my roommate. haha. Lets just say we are creating many memories. Jumping through hola hoops, me diving and landing on my hip and yes I cleared the rolling hoop. Watched movies, preparing Sunday School lesson and my roommate would say, "I am so bored Holly". So, I guess that is my cue to publish this post and have a dance party with my silly roommate. =D

Time to party...NIGHT-----"O....OOOO" (Dancing to 80's love songs)

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